Apps for Listening to Audible Audiobooks | iPhone/iPod Touch. Get The App. Visit the Support Page. Android. Get The App. Visit the Support Page. Windows Phone. Get The App. · 1. Tab the Audible icon to launch the Audible app on your mobile phone. 2. Press the Profile icon and choose the Settings menu. 3. Tap the Data Storage button. 4. Under the Download Location section, you will see the Audible Android download location. Change the Audible download location to the location where you want to save Audible books. When it is done, the new Author: Adam Gorden. · You do need to hunt a little to find the path stores the Audible files on your Android device, but they’re there: This PC/Android Device Name/Internal Storage/Android/data/www.doorway.ruation/files. Note: On 6/20/, Audible has updated their Android app. Since then, the Audible books downloaded via the Android app are format.
1. Tab the Audible icon to launch the Audible app on your mobile phone. 2. Press the Profile icon and choose the Settings menu. 3. Tap the Data Storage button. 4. Under the Download Location section, you will see the Audible Android download location. Change the Audible download location to the location where you want to save Audible books. The Windows app just downloads the books, which are very large files, to an obscure location on my SSD, and I am unable to change the download location or transfer them to her device. Because the Windows app is useless to me, I must use the old clunky piece of software called Audible Manager. Change the Download Quality from Standard to High (this can be done by going into the Settings menu of the Audible app). Change the Download By Parts option from Single to Multi-Part (this can be done by going into the Settings menu of the Audible app). Please let us know if these steps resolve your issue. 2.
Just for those that may be unaware, CVS sells $30 Audible gift cards that give existing members 3 credits (=$10 per credit). While the current sale has many phenomenal deals, any book with a sale price over $10 would still be better purchased using the 3 credit gift card (assuming you are willing to spend the full $30). Check for Audible Download Manager (here is where the checkbox is) We'll check to make sure that Audible Download Manager is installed on your Windows desktop before downloading begins". Once the box was unchecked, trying to download from first downloaded "". Running started audible download manager. Answer. If your audiobook comes with additional content in the form of a PDF, you can download that content by following these steps. Go to your Library on the Audible desktop site. Find the audiobooks that contains the PDF and click View PDF. Want to see the PDF on your mobile app? Here are the steps: Open the Audible app and go to your library.